Terms of Service/Use

Terms of Service/Use & Privacy Policy

This document sets forth the terms and conditions that govern the use of the Plex Development website and its associated products. By accessing, purchasing a product, or creating an account on this website, these Terms of Service apply to you.
These Terms of Service ("Terms") govern your use of this website, applications, licensed software, and other associated platforms.

1. Definitions

1.1. "Product(s)" refers to the applications, licensed software, or any items sold on our online store.
1.2. "You", "Your", and "User" refer to the end-user viewing and reading this page.
1.3. "Use" and "Using" refer to the act of downloading, installing, activating, or running the product.
1.4. "Agreement" refers to this document.

2. Information and Product Use

2.1. By agreeing to this agreement, you acknowledge that we will securely store your information to protect your data to the best of our ability.
2.2. Third parties may request access to your information, subject to meeting the requirements established for each party.
2.3. Engaging in any illegal activities through the use of our products (e.g., selling copyrighted works, posting threatening content) constitutes a breach of this agreement. You may report any misconduct to [email protected], providing evidence of the violation.
2.4. Plex Development reserves the right to revoke your access and rights to a product at any time, without any repercussions on our end.
2.5. We reserve the right to change the products and services we offer without prior warning or notification.

3. Third Parties and Security

3.1. Some products may require hosting in a live World Wide Web environment. You are free to choose any hosting provider for this purpose.
3.2. Any third party given access to your host machine must adhere to this agreement. It is your responsibility to provide them with a copy of this agreement and ensure their compliance.
3.3. You are responsible for maintaining the security of any owned product and preventing breaches of this agreement. If a breach occurs through a third party, action may be taken against you and the involved parties. It is recommended to include this agreement alongside the product to mitigate the risk of breaching it. Please contact Plex Development directly if you suspect a breach by a third party to help resolve the issue.
3.4. Our community hub for support and general questions is the social media platform Discord, which includes other community members.
3.5. Suggestions provided by community members in our Discord do not impose liability on us for any misinformation. We have a dedicated product support team that can offer verified advice.
3.6. The product can only be used by the purchaser for their own use. Using the product to host someone else's bot, for example, is not permitted. The product can only be used for projects or businesses owned by the purchaser. Exceptions can be granted by requesting permission from [email protected].
3.7. If you are removed or banned from our Discord community, you may also face restrictions on the website. However, this is not applicable in all cases, but please be aware of the possibility.
3.8. We will maintain an archive of all support tickets, which may be used as evidence in the event of a transaction dispute, payment dispute, chargeback, or similar occurrence. These archives will remain private unless required by law or necessary for resolving the above situations.

4. Product Alterations

4.1. You are permitted to edit the contents of a product as long as the agreement is fully adhered to.
4.2. Altering, modifying, editing, deleting, or changing the license system integration in our products is prohibited.
4.3. We do not provide support if core product files are modified from their original state.

5. Distribution of Products

5.1. No product may be redistributed to other entities without written permission from Plex Development, except when the product is hosted on a VPS or server under your account through a hosting company.

6. Agreement and Service Availability

6.1. This Agreement must not be modified in any way and must remain in its original state.
6.2. This Agreement must accompany the product at all times and should not be removed.
6.3. If our systems, including the license system, are offline, some of your services may be affected and become temporarily unavailable.
6.4. If a product is removed from our store, please note that you will not be able to download it again. We encourage customers and supporters to maintain backups of their purchased items at all times.
6.5. We reserve the right to refuse support to any customer, even after product purchase, without providing a reason.
6.6. Our products may be obfuscated or encoded for protection.
6.7 All buyers are guaranteed ONE working copy of a product and support if the product does not function as described. Future downloads may be provided as available, but are not guaranteed.

7. Product Credits and Authors

7.1. Taking credit for the product by removing credits from inside the product files is prohibited.
7.2. Some products may have additional authors or creators who are not directly listed in the product files. These credits can be found on the store page for the product.

8. Payments and Refunds

8.1. We currently accept PayPal and Card transactions through the Stripe platform. We do not handle payments directly.
8.2. Since our products are digital intangible items that can easily be copied, we do not offer refunds, as we cannot guarantee that you no longer possess our products.
8.3. While our standard policy remains non-refundable for digital products due to their replicable nature, we recognize that certain circumstances may warrant exceptions. In cases involving unresolved issues, persistent bugs, or other challenges beyond our immediate resolution, we reserve the right, at our discretion, to consider and potentially grant refunds. Our commitment is to address any issues that may impede your experience with our products and strive for a fair and satisfactory resolution.

9. Product Warranty and Liability

9.1. This product should not be exploited for personal, financial, or commercial gain.
9.2. The user assumes full responsibility for any damages caused by the product or its misuse, as the author(s) accept no liability. However, we may offer appropriate support when deemed necessary.
9.3. Products may become legacy editions or be decommissioned over time. In such cases, we are not obligated to provide a refund. We typically provide notice when a product is transitioning to a legacy edition before decommissioning it. Please refer to Chapter 8, Section 2 for refund criteria.

10. Agreement Violations

10.1. Violating this agreement in connection with a product may result in termination of services from Plex Development and/or its third parties. Investigations will be conducted, and appropriate action will be taken as necessary.
10.2. In the event of a breach of this agreement, your access and associated license key(s) may be deleted or restricted.
10.3. Additionally, your account on our system may be banned, deleted, or disabled.
10.4. Violations of this agreement may also lead to potential legal consequences or actions in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

11. Discord Account Access

11.1. In the event that you lose access to the Discord account associated with the purchase of our products, Plex Development cannot guarantee the transfer of product access to another Discord account.
11.2. However, if you can provide proof of payments and information regarding the old account, such as the Discord username or ID, we may, at our discretion, consider facilitating the transfer of access to the products.
11.3. It is important to note that Plex Development is not responsible if your Discord account is terminated, and any loss of access to our products resulting from account termination is beyond our control. Users are advised to adhere to Discord's terms of service and community guidelines to maintain uninterrupted access to their purchased products.
11.4. If you are unable to provide proof of payment or demonstrate ownership of the terminated Discord account, you may be required to repurchase the products to regain access. Plex Development reserves the right to enforce this policy to maintain the integrity of our product distribution and licensing process.

12. Full Source Code Products

12.1. Upon purchase, you'll receive one working copy of the latest bot source code, with ongoing updates accessible as long as your access is active. We retain the right to disable access, without the need for evidence, if we suspect abuse, resale, redistribution, or unauthorized code copying.

Privacy Policy

Our Privacy Policy can be found at https://plexdevelopment.net/privacy-policy


[email protected]

Cookie Policy

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